Health - Olymel L.P.
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Healthy tastes better

Health and
Wellness Program:

tools and products to encourage healthy eating

A growing number of scientific studies show clear links between good nutrition and health. Olymel recognizes its responsibility to encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle, in the first place through the products it provides.

The Health and Wellness Program dedicated to food services takes an innovative approach so that consumers and food services customers can enjoy a wide range of products that meet the criteria of safe, tasty and nutritious food.

+More on the Health and Wellness program

The Health and Wellness Program also provides a wealth of information, ranging from nutritional information delivered through different networks, to a range of delicious, nutritious recipes, including the codes of Olymel products needed prepare them.

To learn more about the Health and Wellness Program, visit

Health and wellness

Sodium reduction:

Olymel rewarded for its initiatives

Sodium is not harmful in itself. However, studies show that most consumers absorb excessive amounts of sodium, which can cause health problems. 

By reducing the sodium content of all of its poultry products and a large part of its pork products, Olymel garnered a 2013 DUX award for its commitment to promoting healthy eating habits.

+More on sodium

Sodium is one of the minerals that is essential for the body's proper functioning. In addition to enhancing taste, it increases the shelf life of retail foods. Health Canada recommends a daily sodium intake of no more than 2,300 mg.

New guidelines have also been published by Health Canada for the food industry. The objective is to substantially reduce the amount of sodium in processed foods by 2016. Since it has already implemented many such measures, Olymel is already at the forefront of this trend.


Allergen control at Olymel:

no compromise on safety

Food allergies are becoming increasingly prevalent. Faced with this serious problem, Olymel has adopted a responsible, proactive approach. 

Gluten free Peanuts, nuts and seeds of all kinds have been completely eliminated from products and recipes in the food services division. Each Olymel facility has an allergen and gluten sources control program. The recipe for each product is carefully scrutinized by a team of specialists in order to ensure accurate labelling. 

+More on allergen control

Several stages of checks ensure the accuracy of labelling and correct identification of all allergens and gluten sources in the list of ingredients.

Food safety and quality management programs are in place in each of the Olymel plants. These programs set out all the necessary measures to prevent of cross-contamination.

Product development begins with an approval system for ingredients suppliers. Allergen and gluten source management programs must also meet the strict standards in place at Olymel.

Because products are manufactured in several plants, a careful examination of the list of ingredients on the label remains the best assurance that there are no allergens or gluten sources.

For more information, see the Food Safety section


Fat and a healthy diet:

the right balance in Olymel products

Contrary to popular belief, lipids, or fats, are necessary for the proper functioning of the body and must be consumed every day. Lipids serve to:

  • provide the energy the body needs (9 calories per gram);
  • absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K);
  • insulate and establish a protective cushion around internal organs.

However, excesses should be avoided. We distinguish two main types of fat (good and bad fat), each with a very different action.

+More on lipids

Good fats

Polyunsaturated fats are beneficial to health. Some are essential and cannot be manufactured by the body. They must be obtained from our diet.

Bad fats

Saturated fats, or bad fats, should be eaten in moderation because they raise the level of blood cholesterol and can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nutrition Facts*

Fat 0.5 g 1 %

Protein 11 g

* Nutritional information provided as an example, corresponding to about 4 slices (55 g) of Olymel Smart & Natural™ cooked sliced turkey breast. For more information, visit

Top quality sources of protein:

poultry and pork products

A healthy diet should include foods rich in protein. Animal proteins are called complete because they contain all the amino acids the body needs, as opposed to vegetable proteins, which must be combined to obtain all the amino acids.

The leaner a portion of meat is, the higher its protein content. As a result, Canada's Food Guide recommends eating lean meats like chicken, turkey and pork rather than meats with more fat. Olymel products are thus a smart and delicious choice.

+More on proteins

Proteins are composed of a chain of amino acids that play a vital role in the body:

  • they provide the body with energy (four calories per gram);
  • they help fight against infection (immune system);
  • they are essential to the formation and repair of muscles, skin, hair, nails and other tissues.

Protein intake should be spread throughout the day, ideally at every meal.

Because it is aware of the impact its choices have consumers' health, Olymel uses non-hydrogenated vegetable oils exclusively, and no trans fats, to cook its products. According to Canada's Food Guide, the choice of meat cuts can also make a difference: Olymel offers several cuts of low-fat chicken, pork and turkey.